- Load Shedding is not by Technical Difficulties
Nepal is a water kingdom with perennial rivers of which we have proud. We never face the hazards of drought faced by our greatest neighboring countries. Hydroelectricity is the prime source of Nepal's electricity generation. Less than 2% of Nepal's available water resources are currently used in Hydroelectricity. Hydroelectricity needs no fuel like Nuclear, thermal plant except water. We use rest of 98% for hydroelectricity generation that will give 49% increase to current supply. We are said in media that out of needed 900 MHz only 300 MHz are available. If we are only using 10%of our rivers, No load shedding for next few decades. Apart from this, wind energy is abundant and persistent throughout. We can generate enough current from it. Also, Geo thermal plant can be easily set up to replace today's Tatopani's for electricity generation. What this concludes is – Load Shedding is not by technical problem.
- Government can solve this problem Technically
So, with all this resources what government can do? It can use this to generate electricity to utilize all the known resources. It can use all the Nepalese Engineering and Management institution to create an effective system that designs and manages effective solution to Load Shedding problems. It simply needs to initiate and fund. Many young students will surely work for this project. OK! Government is always busy in its internal political pressure that we all know. So, we have been quit. But, this is never an excuse. Such, political pressure is very common especially in every democratic country. If government cannot implement them then at least it can privatize hydroelectricity generation. It can pass laws to free electricity trade and implement policies to provide a secure and warm environment for starting private hydroelectricity plants in Nepal. Today, Trade Union is a problem to industries. Government can enforce laws that ban all trade unions for hydro power plant sector for a decade till the load shedding problem is completely eradicated. This is essential to attract hydroelectricity in Nepal. Instead of trade unions, Government will form committee for each power plant to look after the labor treatment in hydro plants. If labors are not fairly treated then government must enforce the management through laws. Nepalese pay so much electric fair that there is tremendous profit for absolutely anyone interested in capitalizing in this sector. In this year of global financial crisis, there is not a perfect and profitable business except hydroelectricity business. This is single greatest reason to attract pool of venture capitalist all over the world in this sector to utilize 98% of rivers. Just provide secure environment.
- Government cannot solve Load shedding because it DOESN'T WANT TO – POLITICS.
So, the idea is simple, isn't it? Then, why for ages it is not solved. Why with age of growing technology we have nothing except new heights of load shedding time. We have nothing but daily darkness. We hear and see in media that government cannot solve this problem. Then, for what are we paying taxes to government. Can't government implement policies as explained above? Doesn't it have enough power? Till now, we have been given excuse that constitution that His Majesty had power over rights. But, now, those powers are taken that we all know. It is held by government itself. Government can solve it but acts as if it cannot because it doesn't want to. It wants fool the innocent people. It doesn't want people to enter into brightness. It doesn't want people to remain in communication. It doesn't want to develop country or its citizens. It only fills its and its helping hands bully. Till now, we have been facing all this due to government monopoly in every sector. Think, if NTC had still continued its supreme monopoly in mobile telecommunication, even half of today's mobile users could have mobile in hand. Still, the quality would have been degraded. The government and its organization work with single motto to create monopoly and force people to follow its bloody policies. Helplessly, we are forced to sleep early, stop mobile communication for no power to charge battery, stop night study. It wants people to be weak, isolated, poor who stay alone, lonely doing nothing by waiting hopelessly for electricity to return. Our eyes are fixed on watch for this all the time. This state reminds me of guys some 50 years from today under Rana regime that waited endlessly for them to improve that never could until they were forcefully removed.
- Behind throne is something greater than throne itself
One thing comes to mind – why always people? Why only load shedding? Why not petrol scarcity or Nepal bandh or similar problems? Petrol and other oil products are very much available in world market. So, there is no reason for creating scarcity in this business. The guys that did Nepal bandh are in power. So, doing this will only increase discontent causing to power loss. Through media, we are told repeatedly to believe blind fold that in winters waters are less in rivers and thus lead to lesser electricity generation. But, what isn't told is something more general to all such scarcity problems – petrol, Nepal bandh or Load Shedding. Nepal is developing country. World banks and other outside financial institutions are wide awake to seek every opportunity to loot country and its peoples. Of Course on media, they pretend to give higher loans to Nepal. This amount is never implemented but goes directly to the pockets of leaders and their parties. This helps them to run their fake institutions. So, when time to return the money comes – they simply cannot. This gives a nice excuse to put the burden of loss on barren heads of poor peoples though increased taxes, bills. But, why do people pay more who themselves are struggling for the basic needs. For this, they create mechanical scarcity for every basic commodity like LPG gas, petrol and even salt. If you still don't believe then how much per unit price we pay on electricity. It is well above the prices of neighboring countries India. But why is it? We generate electricity from Nepal itself using hydroelectricity. But, this must be very cheaper as hydroelectricity requires only water as its requirements unlike nuclear plant that requires Uranium as fuel. Still, India uses nuclear plant and people pay far less per unit price on electricity than what we pay for hydroelectricity. Why is this? The extra money from per unit price is profit that goes to pocket o leaders and World Bank. Think of a situation when by some magic wand, government eradicates load shedding forever. We will thank them for a year, then next year. This may not continue following years because the excess per unit price we pay will be unbearable to people. There will be yet another revolt to reduce prices (similar to petrol prices). If government follows just as before, the pockets of leaders and their institutions would be empty. So, exploit people is the motto. Create ample scarcity in electric supply so that people would be very panic and electricity very valuable. They will then pay high bills irrespective of its original cost (higher profit) which is their ultimate aim. So, people get fewer current and pay high bills. The money supply is accelerated to pockets of leaders. This basic concept of scarcity creation in forms of load shedding, petrol supply or even University convocation delay is the monstrous myth acting as sole basis for government working.
- Nepal suffers yet another time
The end result of all this is nothing else – a routine is Nepal and Nepalese fate. We and our forefathers all have same thing in common. Both have been exploited by ruling parties because of their complete monopoly. Both have no other option but to bear it silently. The only difference is degree of its implementation and technological change. Two years before, Nepal bandh and strike were daily activities. People felt very insecure and isolated due to it. Moreover, Nepalese industry was closed forcefully by the guys currently in power for implementing bandh. Education institution used to be closed. One year later, petrol scarcity hauled nation yet again causing higher bus fairs and irregular bus supply. The end result yet the same as before. People stayed home waiting for petrol supply to resume. Our present scenario is load shedding. Just like before, Nepalese industry has been on its target. Media companies like FM, TV stations are forced to close. People are yet again weak, isolated. Nepal was a poor country but growing is getting to poorest condition. There is panic and disturbance in the minds of every single Nepalese citizen created by no one else but by our politicians for their own profit whom we vote. Whatever we have through forefather's property or own earned property is wasted only to pay the useless bills, taxes for the services that are neither regular nor reliable. Pockets of poor people will shrink forever to fill those of our politicians.
- You have the power
There is no judgment day because there is no god outside. The only god is within you – living god viz. your self. You have the power to change. No one will come and solve problem for you. If we don't do this on time, we will perish. A quick and necessary action is must otherwise the process of looting will go on forever. It is scenario of Rang de Basanti where the group realizes the need to create wide mass awakening against the government's corrupt monopoly. Remember, Nepal electricity Authority (NEA) is a government organization and is as corrupt as government. It works by our bills, our money but works for the few corrupt people on the top and not masses. Those corrupt people use it to create monopolistic environment to enforce people to pay high bills. So, simply stop using NEA's electric supply. Go to NEA and unregistered your supply. You don't need to pay unnecessary bills then. NEA is old mans hope which is waiting for aging death. Use alternative sources of power supply as fare as you can. Till now, we have been paying high electric bills and using generator that needed diesel from Nepal Petroleum Limited, viz. yet another corrupt government organization. Both of this solution has failed. Instead, invest that money to generate clean and permanent solution to energy. Solar panels can generate electricity. Since, single panel may generate less electricity, large number of panels can be put everywhere so as to generate needed electric supply. It could be saved to be used later at night. For poor masses, this can be done at community level. A small capital from each people can be combined to buy a set of panels for electrifying. It is much cheaper, permanent and reliable solution. Apart form solar, wind can be used. In areas of high winds, large wind mills could be set up to generate electricity. Again, a community wide effort is necessary. The only motto must be to reject NEA and develop your own solution to this problem. Just come out of dark load shedding world and form an open community and discuss on alternative electric generation. You can always find a solution. This will be examples for other to follow. Remember, Mahavir Pun also found difficulty at start. But, he achieved success. No government support helped him. It is shear self motivation blended with group efforts that lead to solution. Remember – wherever there is will there is way.
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009
16 Hrs Load Shedding: Reality or Next Business of Nepali Politics?

- SSoojan said...
hey bro..gud piece of mail. An eye-opener, but whoz gonna take the first step and head for the change...?
Nepal Nepal n Nepal ! alwez da same.no change woteva u do, whom-so-ever u cast ur vote. -
January 14, 2009 at 10:51 PM
- Impugner said...
Fk those politicians and fk those whoever promise to solve it in a few years coz they're just the same typoz who just talk and talk rather than doing something worthy. WE need ACTION rather than WORDS.
Last but not the least, the post was excellent n hope some YOUTHS who believe in ACTION rather than WORDS will see this. -
January 15, 2009 at 6:54 AM
- war,corp said...
la badai cha hai sumit brother lai .What an idea sir ji bhayo ni brother.tara afsoch sumit brother yestai nai chaaa yahako chalaannnn
October 1, 2009 at 8:44 PM