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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Some random thoughts while sitting on desk

I am dying. I just fell down while walking in a long road without any reason. I feel terribly weak and know that my time has come. It is very dark and a lonely road. The only power now i have is to contemplate on those lifetime memories that i usually do during my daily morning time. I know this is last time i will do that contemplation and it will be lost forever. This thought sends shivers all over my body. I think of those silly childhood days when i couldn’t control myself. The first baby steps, first day of school, last day of school and all those weird memories when i thought i wouldn’t last more than that day. The thought of those achievements and thought of competing against that person and putting anything just to overcome. The feeling of supporting one thing and hating other. The levels that I go underwent to prove that what i believed was the only thing correct. That childish nature of hiding my true self just to feel happy around socially. The art of lying I mastered and the design of killing regret I engineered. I laugh at myself and then cry. All through those memories I knew exactly what i was doing and knew the way for proper path yet I didn’t acted on it and I dont have time to act now even if I want to. The laughter opens my mouth and the tears from my eyes enters mouth and meet my tongue spoiling the taste of time. All those years seems just like yesterday. Suddenly i feel very light and raising above like a helium balloon raises automatically when left. The force of the earth no longer seem to have control on me. Suddenly, I see a dawn of light whose light is spreading all over and the world being illuminated in its light.

This is the feeling I get every time when listening to the soundtrack Finale from Once upon a time in West by Ennio Morricano.
